Sunday, November 30, 2008

Need a Resume Boost? Volunteer!

Volunteer work is a great way to give back to your community and explore a personal passion. Plus, it looks awesome on your resume! Not only do employers love to see you as an active member of a community and a dedicated team player, but they also look at the experiences and opportunities volunteer work provides. So, when compiling your resume, model the "Volunteer Experience" section the same way as your "Work Experience" one.

If you aren't already a volunteer, look for ways to get involved. There are literally thousands of ways to give back. Hands on helping is most productive for your resume, though. It also helps if your volunteer work mimics your career field. For example, if you want to be a teacher, try tutoring. Similarly, working with Habitat for Humanity can fit well on an architect's resume while those in the medical profession might help at a local hospital.

Once you start volunteering, look for ways to take on a leadership role. Organize a fundraiser, create a new publicity campaign, or develop an educational program. By seizing every opportunity, you will not only further your cause, but build your own list of experiences.

Need help getting started? You can look at to search local volunteer opportunities. Also, you may want to check out the United Nation's online volunteer program. You can help others right from your computer!

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